Thursday, August 8, 2024

Back to School Fun

And so it begins..... school may not start until next week, but I feel like we are already in the swing of things! It really hit me hard last weekend when Sadie had an 8:00 soccer game & we had to leave the house at 6:45 to get there. I was packing the car & then it hit me - this will be our life for every single weekend until the end of November. The girls did great & made it all the way to the championship game where they ended up losing, but they have a lot of new girls on their team & a few out for injuries so for their first games back, it was great!

Several of their friends who left the team came back to watch them so it was fun seeing their families again:

We never had their signing party in July because of everyone's travel schedules so we finally had it after the tournament:

We had a photo booth, team gifts, food & the girls got to play pickleball!

Can you believe this is Sadie's 6th year playing for Coach T & the Renegades?

Should be a fun year with this group of girls!

While we were at our first soccer tournament over the weekend, Sophie was at cheer camp:

We got to go at the end & watch their performance:

Can you see Sophie on the left? She is a base.

They went to their grandparent's house for one last sleepover before school begins & they surprised the girls with back to school tennis shoes & gift cards:

They also went & had some fun with games, bumper cars & laser tag:

They also got to see Granny before coming home. Looks like they are almost taller than Granny these days:

Besides shopping for shoes, clothes & school supplies, I also took the girls for haircuts. Sophie wanted it the same afternoon for meet the teacher as we have done in year's past so she could have her hair curled before we went:

We went last night & she was so excited see all of her friends & meet her new teachers:

We dropped off her school supplies, set up her desk & I think she is ready to go! Only a few more days of summer & we are going to soak them up while we can.

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