Wednesday, June 12, 2024

VBS 2024: Breaker Rock Beach

Last week the girls & I had VBS & this year's theme was Breaker Rock Beach! It was a fun one to end on because it was beach themed, which is right up my alley! I say end on because technically VBS starts with pre-school & goes through 5th grade, so technically this was Sophie's last year on the children's side! Next year she moves over to middle school where they don't need parent volunteers anymore. Can you believe I have been volunteering for that long? Jamie & I have been directing together for a while, so we joked all week that we were going to have a retirement party. Ha!

This was the first year Sadie did not want the theme shirt, so I really never got a picture of the 3 of us like I normally do. I finally did towards the end of the week, but it was hat day so not our best pic:

I felt like this was the smoothest year yet & we had fantastic weather. But since the kids are getting so big, I hardly took any pictures. I guess that's what happens as they grow older! Thankfully I took a few of Sophie with some of her friends:

I even snuck over to VBS where the older kids are & tried to sneak a picture of Sadie here & there with her friends also:

Apparently this was her small group:

Next year will bring changes for all of us - middle school has VBX, which is Vacation Bible School Extreme, which is a ton of fun & Sophie cannot wait! Sadie will become a volunteer & will get to be a teacher's helper & I don't know what I will be doing?! I'm sure I will get dragged back to help with something, but it won't be teaching one of my own children anymore, which is kind of sad. At least we had one last year of VBS fun together!

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