Monday, June 24, 2024

Sky Ranch, The Great Kingdom

We're back - any guesses where we have been? It's only the girls' favorite week of the year - Sky Ranch! Last week we started packing early because they were so excited, especially Sophie:

They did most of the packing & decorating themselves - I just had to double check it to make sure they weren't missing anything. Next, they decorated our car:

They left last Sunday, which was Father's Day. We died their tips blue that morning, gave them both manis & pedis, had brunch with Dad then hit the road. First stop, Bucee's:

Everyone from Pine Cove & Sky Ranch stops here so it's always comical to see all of the decorated cars on the road & parked here for goodies. This year we ran into one of Sophie's pre-school friends on her way to camp, but we also saw Bucee himself:

We finally made it! And of course, we had to take our annual picture by the welcome sign:

We got there early & was so surprised to see our counselor from family camp at spring break - Genesis! Literally we saw her right away when we were driving in so we had to pull over, jump out to go give her a hug:

We actually saw a few counselors from spring break camp so that make it even more fun when you feel so welcome. 

First stop, Cabin 31, The Railhouse:

She barely stuck around for a picture & then she was gone. Ha! She doesn't go with any friends in particular, but since she goes the same week every year, she knows several of the girls. And this year there was a friend from soccer & a friend from school there also. 

Next stop, cabin 14, Mvula:

She goes with the same 2 girls every year, but there are actually another group of 4 girls from our area that also go so they always get bunked together. Kate was already there so she quickly met up with her & then we said our goodbye:

You know the highlight of my week is getting pictures all week so here is a photo dump of all of their fun starting with opening night where they have a firework show:

Lots of daytime fun:

Sophie was super brave this year & did everything, including the torpedo, which is pulled on the lake behind the boat. I was so proud of her! The only the thing she didn't do, was the blob, which just happens to be Sadie's favorite:

I mean the girl is crazy, right?! She said she liked doing backflips off the blob!

This is Sadie's favorite counselor, Georgia - we had heard a lot about her since she came home:

And this picture is significant because we put a certain amount of money in their bank account for them to get snacks while they are there. This year Sadie rationed her money & bought something big at the end of the week. For the 3rd year in a row, Sophie ran out of money. The past 2 years Bryan put more money into her account but this year, she ran out on Thursday & we let her learn her lesson. Guess it didn't help because I found this picture of her on Friday & she was still eating a snow cone! Guess she talked a friend into buying her one, little sneaker!

They have a ton of night activities with theme nights but most of them are just group pictures with their cabin:

We picked them up on Saturday morning & they had so much fun, they had both lost their voices. Sophie wanted pictures with all of her counselors because she loved them all so much:

Sadie had several counselors also, but Georgia was her absolute favorite! She was also her bible study leader:

I know we say it every year, but camp is not cheap & we literally plan our entire summer around it, but these girls LOVE it! I mean it literally is their favorite week of the year & I am so glad they found somewhere they love so much:

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