Monday, June 3, 2024

Life Lately - May

May was pretty wonderful as we kicked off summer! Sophie spent the first week in California while Sadie stayed with us & hit summer hard:

She went to soccer camp from 8:30 - 11:00 and then she walked over to volleyball camp from 11:00 - 12:30. Technically she missed the first 30 minutes of volleyball camp but both were at our local high school so she just walked from the football field to the gym. Apparently she was bored when she got home that first afternoon so she went & ran a few miles. Did I mention she had soccer practice for 1 1/2 hours that night? That girl is a bundle of energy. I did treat her to Starbucks afterwards one day & she loved their new summer refresher:

The next week when Sophie was back, they went to basketball camp at the high school also:

Sadie also went swimming with friends:

and she had a sleepover with a friend from her soccer team:

She also went home with a few friends after camp one afternoon and they had planned on swimming, but the weather didn't want to cooperate:

That seems to be the pattern these days - we've had a lot of rain!

We ended the month with a fun surprise when a few of our cousins came in from Colorado! Grammy took them to The Cove, which is an indoor waterpark & they had a blast:

Afterwards they came back to the house & continued swimming here while we cooked out. We always enjoy seeing them!

To wrap up our month, Bryan & I got to sneak away for a quick 24 hour trip to Austin to go to the Justin Timberlake concert:

We had amazing seats, not on the floor but on the first row to the right of his stage. Close enough to see all of his smooth moves!

He really did put on a good show! Super high energy & not only did he dance a lot, but he played the guitar, the keyboard & the set was pretty cool:

Part of the set moved, had screens on it & in the encore, it went horizontal & JT was on top of it. The encore was definitely my favorite!

I'm not sure Bryan was as excited about this concert as I was, but it ended up being a pretty fun night!

Let's keep the fun rolling as we go into June..........

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