Monday, May 27, 2024

Sophie's 10th Birthday Trip - California

Remember when Sadie turned 10 & got to go to Orlando with my parents? This year it was Sophie's turn! She turned 10 back in December, but because of our busy schedule, it was easier for them to go when she got out of school for summer. My parents drove up on Friday, which was their last day of school & they flew out early Saturday morning:

We had a hard time coming up with a destination for Sophie but then she finally settled on Los Angeles, California! We have been to Cali several times, but she hadn't really done LA yet. Mimi & Doc got her a jeep to cruise around in:

As soon as they landed they found somewhere fun to eat:

They liked it so much they ate here several times:

And her first surprise of the trip was getting her nails done! For some reason, she really wanted to get her nails done for the trip & she was excited to get the tips done ocean blue with glitter - they actually turned out so cute:

They stayed close to Santa Monica Pier, which was the main source of the trip but unfortunately it was closed for a private event Saturday night. Instead, they got to walk around & see the beach:

They got up Sunday morning ready for their first tour:

Hollywood Walk of Fame!

I'm not sure if she knows who half of those people are. Ha ha! I don't think the people she knows are old enough to have a star yet?!

They also went to the Dolby Theater:

and Grauman's Chinese Theater, where if you look close enough, they have the orange carpet laid out for the movie premiere of Garfield, which was happening later that day. Notice I said orange carpet for Garfield instead of a red carpet:

Next stop, the famous Hollywood sign:

In fact, when my parents were planning for this trip my Dad asked if Sophie wanted to hike up to the sign, 4 miles round trip so 2 miles in & 2 miles out. Sophie looked at me like I was crazy! She preferred to drive up there.....

I think they drove all through Hollywood & Beverly Hills:

This girl & her poses!

Looked like a fun, first day! On Monday, they had another tour planned, but first breakfast:

I think she had all the gluten she could have while we weren't around!

After breakfast, they had a studio tour at Warner Bros:

I believe these are some of their outdoor sets:

I mean seriously, don't you recognize some of these places? Stars Hollow from Gilmore Girls?!

They even got to see a few famous stage sets:

I am pretty sure she didn't know who Friends were but I LOVED that show back in the day! She was never a huge Harry Potter fan, but she knew about it from her sister so I think that was her favorite:

She made the coolest video with a green screen that I wish I could share on here:

She loved the studio tour & came home with a picture, a video & a book all about it!

On their was home that night they stopped in Venice Beach:

and finally made it back to the Santa Monica Pier where she could ride the ferris wheel. That is all she has talked about:

Although she must have been disappointed, and I heard she got bored because it went around too many times. I think the arcade games made up for it!

On Tuesday morning, they drove up to Malibu & checked out Pepperdine:

It is a beautiful campus on a bluff overlooking the ocean & for some reason, Sadie thinks she is going to play soccer there! So Sophie checked it out & she approves:

And it sounds like they spent the rest of the day shopping. Yep, shopping! They started on Rodeo Drive & made their way to The Grove. I can't remember where else.......

She probably didn't know half of the stores on Rodeo Drive but she recognized Sephora right away:

And I know she hit up a candy store because she brought the 3 of us candy as a souvenir:

I'm not sure if I did it justice writing a blog about a trip that I didn't go on, but I am so glad my parents took a lot of pictures to share so she can look back & remember:

She had the best time being a tourist, eating all of the junk she wanted, shopping her heart out & getting to explore a new city with her grandparents but unfortunately all fun things must come to an end:

Thankfully they made it home safely & it took her a few days to recover. She slept until 11:00 her first morning home! Thank you Mimi & Doc for spoiling her & letting her live her best Cali girl life for a few days!

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