Monday, February 18, 2019

Texans Academy Soccer

Sadie has been playing soccer since she was 3. It is literally the first sport she has ever played & she has loved it ever since. We lucked out & got on a great recreational team through FSA where she has played since then with the Sweet Cleats. She loves playing with them but has been asking for the past 6 months to a year to play on a club team. We have really debated on this because she is so young but lucky for us, a great opportunity presented itself. There has been a coach that has ran a couple of personal training camps for their rec team for the past year & since he has a daughter their age, he decided to form a team. A few of the girls from the Sweet Cleats started practicing with him & before we knew it, we all decided to join. So in January, we bit the bullet & let Sadie officially join the Texans. It was a win win - we know most of the team, it's a great group of girls & families, the coach is amazing with the girls & they practice here in Frisco. Which is a big deal because we know families who drive to different parts of the metroplex for sports. Yesterday was their first game & she was so excited! They have always played 4 x 4, on a small field without a goalie. Until now. Their new league is 7 x 7 on a bigger field with a goalie. BIG CHANGE! And guess who got to be the goalie:

They weren't quite ready for the big league, but they still had fun! They are really learning positions, how to spread out, how to pass, etc. And none of them know how to play goalie so I guess they all get to try until they figure out who gets picked:

Sadie played it the first half & she had a few good saves but they had 1 girl who scored on her a lot :( The other team has obviously been playing together for a while. We technically lost 18-1 but guess who scored that 1 goal?!

They moved her to the field for the 2nd half & she did great! We were so proud of her!

Sophie spent more time playing with Crosby instead of watching the game but at least she has someone to play with. Don't let this picture fool you, she didn't sit still for long but she asked me to take a picture of her because she liked her sunglasses:

It will definitely be a learning season as this new group of girls learns how to play together with a new coach in a new division, but I am so excited to watch them grow. Especially the Sweet Cleats:

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