We have actually been pretty busy since we got home from London mostly because we are on the countdown for Halloween! But I did find some random pictures on my phone of our other happenings.
Soccer. Every weekend we have soccer. Usually we have to plan our day around it but the girls love being outside & seeing their friends:
The day before I went to London, I took the girls to the movies to see the Secret Life of Pets. We had the theater to ourselves & they wanted to sit on the back row. They loved it:
We had to run errands at the mall one day with Bryan & of course they get to ride the carousel every single time he is around:
Our MOPS meeting was extended the other day so the kids could eat lunch at the church while the moms went to lunch out. I always love this day - getting to go to lunch with girlfriends & not have to feed anyone? Or have kids crawling over you at the table? Or having to cut up food or help feed someone? It was perfect:
I made memory boxes earlier this fall when the girls started back at school but my friend, Julianne, just made the girls' name in vinyl letters & they turned out so cute!
I am not crafty at all, but I am organized! I totally stole this idea from my sister & I just love it! All it took was a little time & money shopping around town to find exactly what I wanted:
Basically I bought a plastic filing cabinet with hanging folders & labels. I created one folder for each grade from pre-school to high school & I plan on saving their important art work, school pictures, reports cards, etc. in here:
Finally, Bryan has been on the Economic Development Corporation Committee for the City of Frisco for the past 2 years & as much as he loved it, it was time to step down:
He has too many commitments & needed to slow down somewhere. He really enjoyed being a part of this group & I am sure he will miss it, but I personally will enjoy having him home those extra nights! Last week at their monthly meeting, they recognized him for his service & the girls & I got to attend:
Bryan, we are always so proud of you & the time you have committed to our city! I have said it before & I will say it again, but we absolutely love living in Frisco!
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