Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Back to School

After a long summer, the girls finally went back to pre-school yesterday! As I wrote last week when we met their teachers, Sadie officially started Pre-K at Sonshine Academy:

and Sophie went back to their mother's day out program for 2 year olds:
I bought their dresses on sale back in the spring so they were so excited to finally wear them! Sadie absolutely loves dresses & wants to wear one every single day :) We also bought her new shoes a few weeks ago so she was pretty pumped to finally wear them yesterday. Poor Sophie just got Sadie's hand-me-down shoes but honestly, they still looked great & she didn't know the difference! And they have been using the same back packs & lunchboxes since they were born. Literally! I guess next year Sadie can finally get a new set when she starts Kindergarten, but Pottery Barn Kids makes great products:
Bryan & I surprised the girls with donuts for breakfast (our first day of school tradition!) & then we both took them to school. They both walked right in & never looked back:
I couldn't be more proud of these two. They absolutely love school & it makes my heart happy every time I drop them off. Usually I am pretty busy running errands, going to appointments, etc. while I have a little bit of free time, but yesterday I met up with girlfriends & we enjoyed our first day of peace at brunch:
When I picked the girls up, they talked non stop in the car. Last year was fun because Sadie would tell me all about her day & I would always ask a lot of questions. I would do the same for Sophie but she always sat there quietly. Yesterday, Sophie was the one talking my head off! I couldn't believe I actually learned a few things from her! Sadie was proud of her self portrait she drew so I thought I would share:
Apparently she tried to write her last name under her first name. Obviously we haven't worked on that yet so guess we will start practicing!
My mom sent the girls back to school cards with $5 each so I let them pick what they wanted & they chose sno cones:
I let both of them pick what they wanted & let them pay for it with their own money. And they put the rest of the money in their piggy banks, so thanks Mimi & Doc!
We invited some friends to go with us so it was a fun after school celebration:
Cheers to another great school year at Sonshine!

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