It's hard to believe it, but Sophie is already 2 1/2 weeks old. I can't believe she has already been with us that long! I hate to openly admit it & write this down, but so far, she has been a pretty easy baby - probably easier than Sadie. We had a rough couple of nights with her because she definitely had her days & nights confused, but after speaking with our pediatrician, she gave us some tips on how to switch them & after both of our consistency, it paid off pretty quickly. She still naps during the day, but we are able to keep her awake for longer & she had already conquered the night - faster than I could have imagined! I mentioned that she slept for 8 hours on New Year's Eve & she hasn't done that again, but she is sleeping about 5-6 hours at a time during the night so I only have to get up to feed her once. And we finally figured out her sleeping habits so after I feed, she goes right back down in less than 10 minutes. I can actually say that I have been getting 8 hours of sleep for the past week with only being interrupted once :) Not bad for having a 2 1/2 week old baby! I am keeping my fingers crossed that her good sleeping pattern continues. We had Sadie sleeping through the night by 5 weeks & we moved her upstairs to her nursery at 8 weeks, but I am hoping we can do it faster the second time around.
We have also been to the doctor several times. Overall, she is a healthy & happy girl. We even took her back to Baylor this week for her newborn screening:
Poor girl - they had to prick her heel to get some blood samples. And poor Dad - he had to pull double duty & hold Sadie because she wanted to see what was going on while simultaneously holding the pacifier in Sophie's mouth to keep her calm. All so I could take pictures :)
The only problem we are having with Sophie is her weight gain. She was 7 lbs. 2 oz. when she was born & she was 6 lbs. 11 oz. when she was discharged from the hospital. When we went in for her 1 week appointment, she was 6 lbs. 12 oz. so she had gained an ounce, but her doctor was hoping for more. When we went in for her 2 week appointment, she had lost an ounce & was back down to 6 lbs. 11 oz. which was her discharge weight. And supposedly you are expected to be back at or above your birth weight at your 2 week mark. I have been nursing exclusively & I thought things were going great. In fact, it was has gone much smoother the second time around. And one of the problems we had with Sadie was her dairy allergy. We found out when she was only 1 week old that she was allergic to dairy. I continued to nurse her for 10 weeks even though she was having all sorts of digestive problems due to the dairy. She would cry all the time, would spit up horribly & had lots of problems going to the restroom. This time it is a world of difference. Sophie has had hardly any spit up & she is a much happier baby because she doesn't have any digestive problems. That's why I was so confused when her doctor said she was losing weight. Long story short, the pediatrician was worried I wasn't producing enough milk, so I pumped & apparently my supply was fine so her doctor has labeled her a lazy eater :) Unfortunately, I am now having to pump at least 2-3 times a day to feed her with a bottle just so we can keep track of how much she is getting. I hope since we are bottle feeding, she will gain weight & we will know next week when I take her in again. If so, then I can continue a combination of nursing & pumping. If she continues to lose weight (or not gain appropriately) then I will probably have to supplement with formula :( I'm sure most of you don't care the specifics about Sophie's eating habits, but I wanted to document it so I could remind myself later. On a positive note, Bryan has gotten to feed her since we are doing bottles now & I think that makes him one happy father!
And Sophie is so chill she hasn't had any problems going back & forth between nursing or the bottle:
Hopefully she will put on some ounces in the next week because I am running out of newborn clothes & she keeps wearing the same couple of outfits. I have a whole wardrobe for her that is 0-3 months but I need her to gain another pound or so before any of that will fit!
Olivia lost nearly a pound in her first week! She was so jaundice that she literally slept through the first two weeks. I had to wake her every 2 hours to eat (including in the middle of the night) and we made multiple trips to the lactation consultants at Baylor to weigh, feed, and then weight to make sure she was getting enough. I hope it all works out for you!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm glad to hear Sophie doesn't have any dairy issues. I'm terrified this next one will. You give me hope! :)