Friday, November 1, 2013

Late Night Halloween

Our neighborhood goes all out for Halloween & we have enjoyed participating since before Sadie was born. Our street & the street behind us have a block party every year where we order pizza, munch on Halloween goodies & take pictures of all the kids before they go trick or treating. We have always enjoyed the party, but it was definitely more fun this year since we had a child old enough to participate!
Unfortunately, I had to wake up this little giraffe after a 3 1/2 hour nap so she wasn't in the best mood when we headed out the door:
but she quickly perked up when we turned the corner & she saw all of the kids running around! She quickly found a scooter & made herself at home:
And to my surprise, she was so busy playing, she wasn't too worried about the food. I did make sure she ate a piece of pizza & 2 apple slices, but I specifically didn't give her any cookies or cupcakes. I figured she would get enough sugar later on!
I think people think that I am exaggerating when I talk about our awesome Halloween block party, but here is the proof. Every year we get a picture of all the kids together & this was the first year Sadie got to join in:
Like I always say, we are blessed that we chose an awesome neighborhood when we moved here & have met some really great neighbors!
Finally, we headed back to our house to take turns trick or treating with Sadie & passing out candy. After one house, this little girl knew what she was doing!
She carried her bag around like a pro filling it with candy. At this age, she gets excited about one piece so her bag wasn't overly full like the older kids who are trying to snag several pieces at each house. She did discover blow pops & I am pretty sure she probably had about 10 last night. She would go back & forth between our house & the house across the street & every time she would get a new sucker. Jessica & I couldn't stop laughing because we kept finding open, sticky lollipops in our candy buckets while were trying to pass out candy to the kids! No lie, almost every picture I took of her she has a different blow pop in her hand!

In case you are wondering who that little princess is with her, that's Hadley! She is our little friend across the street. Bryan took both of them trick or treating while Jessica & I passed out candy.
I think that is one of her best friends at the moment (besides Daisy) because every time we go outside she is constantly looking for Hadley so they can play. 
I didn't catch a whole lot of smiles on camera, but this little girl had a blast last night & even stayed up until 9:00! I have to brag though & say that Bryan caught the best moment of the night before we took her in:
Gotta love this blonde, curly haired, sticky monster! I mean her hands & face were so sticky but I couldn't help but love on her :) I look forward to next year when we will have another little pumpkin join our family:

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