Friday, November 1, 2013

Early Halloween

I tried to celebrate Halloween all week while we counted down until Thursday. Sadie didn't fully recognize what was going on, but she definitely enjoyed all of the activities. We have a Halloween Calendar hanging on the wall & that has probably been her favorite thing - moving the owl every day to a new pumpkin. She also had some adorable Halloween plates that I tried to let her eat off of. I am not sure if she quite recognized those yet, but maybe next year. We also drove around after dinner one night to look at all of the houses in our neighborhood. I have to admit, our neighborhood does just as good at decorating for Halloween as they do for Christmas! She loved seeing all of the orange lights, scary cemeteries & blow up pumpkins & ghosts! The only thing we didn't do was carve a pumpkin :( I really wanted to do that on Wednesday night so we could light it & have it out last night, but we got too busy & it never got done. Oh-well, there's always next year! 
Yesterday morning I was frantically trying to get her ready for school. I officially felt like a new mom trying to juggle all of my maternal duties! I started with lunch. You know I'm not that creative, but I tried to make her lunch festive so I went with an all orange theme:
And you probably can't tell from the picture, but I even cut her cheese out into little pumpkin shapes!
Then I had to assemble all of the treat bags. We had treat bags for all her friends at school:
I totally stole this idea from my sister. I wanted to do something different than candy & I kind of thought the cheese puffs looked like pumpkins :) I have to admit that I was kind of surprised that Sadie came home with all candy from the rest of her kids in the class. One of her teachers sent home mandarin oranges, but I honestly thought she would get gold fish, pretzels, play dough or something different.
I also made Halloween trail mix for her teachers. They were in the same bag, but I typed up a personal note for each of her teachers that was attached to the bag. The bad news is that I packed that kids snack bags in the same bag as the teacher snack bags & I don't think the teachers realized. Somehow Sadie came home with one of the teacher's gifts?! So if there any confused parents out there that got a snack bag from Sadie with a personalized note for their teacher, sorry about that! Lesson learned: next time pack the teacher gift & kid gifts separately :)
I also made home made white chocolate covered popcorn that I topped with Halloween sprinkles. I packed up several bags & passed them out at the doctor yesterday:
I had a prenatal appointment & since I visit them so often, I figured they deserved a thank you gift. I wish I would have taken a picture of them. My doctor & her entire staff dressed up as the Pink Ladies from Grease & they were adorable!
After I had everything ready to go, I woke up our little pink giraffe to take her to Sonshine School. They had a Fall Festival yesterday & they all wore their costumes to school. All of her friends looked so cute! I wish I could have gotten a picture of all of them together.
I had a hard time getting any smiles yesterday morning because I had to wake her up. We all know she is not a morning person :) But this little giraffe survived the day & took a 3 1/2 hour nap after school to rest up for the big night.
* Note - Sorry if this blog is so boring! I have a horrible memory so a lot of the stuff I blog about or take pictures about is mostly for me to look back on :)

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