Monday, November 4, 2013

Game Day

Bryan & I have decided that until the girls are old enough, we will probably only take them to one home football game in Austin & this past weekend was Sadie's lucky day. We drove in on Friday afternoon & met up with friends at Hula Hut for dinner. We chose this weekend because the game wasn't too early in the day or too late at night - a perfect afternoon game. And we thought the weather would be nice, but it was surprisingly hot for November. We lucked out when we found out that our friends David & Adriana would be in town with their kids also! They had fun running around at dinner & then they played at the hotel on Saturday morning. Looks we got some UT football players & cheerleaders in our future!

After we loaded up the team, we headed to campus to tailgate. Last year we took Sadie to a game, but this was her first official tailgate :)
Finally it was game time & our little cheerleader was ready. She did pretty good considering she didn't have a nap all day. She was a typical 2 year old though who was more interested in running around & playing than watching the game. She would stop every now & then to see what was going on or she would clap if everyone else was clapping.

She was obsessed with the stairs & wanted to spend most of her time going up & down them or sitting on them instead of in our chair backs. Of course, she also did a lot of sitting on the ground:
We started out the game strong with healthy snacks from home that I had packed - pretzels & an orange. However, before the end of the game Bryan had been suckered into buying her popcorn:
She would not share the bucket with Bryan & was adamant about having her own stash. He tried to be nice & put them on a napkin for her but she had other plans...... And yes, I'm not even going to lie - she ate the popcorn directly off the ground. I thought this only happened with kids the second time around?!
And even worse, Bryan & I were watching the game & not paying attention to her & when I looked down she was sipping her Dad's drink:
He was drinking a coke & yes this was her first official taste of a soft drink. I was not too happy at first because I have been adamant about her not having anything carbonated until she is older. But it was kind of funny because she made a funny face & I couldn't tell if she liked it or not. Turns out, she didn't really want to drink it, she just wanted to play with the lid & the straw!
We ended the Fourth Quarter by letting her have a blow pop - yes, one of the many she stashed away from Halloween night!
All in all we had a great time, even though we didn't technically watch much of the game. As I always say, it's definitely not the same taking a toddler, but to have these pictures & share these memories is priceless :) And our friends enjoyed seeing her as well. Mrs. Cindy just wanted to hold her the entire time:
And Joel had that girl wrapped around his fingers!

Until next year, here is the Dodson family photo from UT Football 2013:
We'll see if we are brave enough to take both of the girls next season!

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