Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dodson Pumpkin Patch

When I first found out I was having another girl, I didn't even think about having a shower. After all, I will be blessed to have two girls, two years apart & hopefully born in the same month. So, all of Sadie's toys, clothes, etc. can be passed down easily. However, my sister was adamant about having me a shower & two of my good friends helped out. With Sadie, I had three showers & all of them were very girly - lots of pink, so Natalie decided to do something different this time & I think she came up with the perfect design which was fall themed.
The shower was on a Sunday afternoon & the weather was perfect. Actually, it was a little overcast, but it didn't rain & the temperature was pleasant, which was ideal since they threw it outside. The shower was at our house & they decorated the porto cochere. I have always talked about having parties outside there but haven't actually done one, so it was fun for a change of scenery! The invitation set the tone with fall colors & she labeled the address the Dodson Pumpkin Patch, where a new little pumpkin was on her way. It was adorable! And so were all of the decorations. Daniela brought hay bales for everyone to sit on & all of the food was even fall themed. Here are a few pictures of their creativeness:

My Mom made home made popcorn balls & they were yummy! I remember making those & eating them as a little girl around the holidays. My friend Jamie brought over the cutest mini pecan & pumpkin pies. There was also fall trail mix, fruit, caramel apples & the most delicious cake! Almost all of the food was wiped out because it was so good, except for the cake & that's because there was so much of it. But I enjoyed snacking on that the rest of the week :)
Most of my close family & friends were there, including the grandmothers & great-grandmothers. And Natalie had matching outfits made for Sadie & Zoe - they looked absolutely adorable!

Sadie Kate might have been the hit of the shower. She looked so adorable toddling around in her cute outfit. She went from person to person trying to sneak a few bites of food :) She also had fun playing with Alexa, Nicole & Zoe while they helped me open gifts.

We definitely don't need a whole lot of stuff for the new baby, but we were blessed with a ton of diapers, wipes & gift cards - which you can never have too much of! The invitation also asked to bring a book in lieu of a card, so my girls are set! I cannot wait to read to both of them. Sadie has always tried out most of the new books as she anxiously awaits for her little sister to join us!

We also were surprised with a few outfits, bibs & burp cloths, so at least the new baby will have something new & not everything passed down! Bryan even surprised me & he bought the girls matching hot pink & leopard pajamas & they are fabulous! Can't wait to take a picture of them in that :) We also had a few big items that the grandmothers spoiled us with - custom baby bedding for the nursery, a mattress, a camera to hook up to our video monitor & a double stroller. I think we are officially set!
Thank you to everyone who showered us with gifts - we appreciate every thing! And I want to especially thank my sister, Jamie & Daniela for hosting my shower. Everything was perfect & I couldn't have asked for a better afternoon with the girls. I am thankful to have all of you in my life!


  1. What a cute shower!! I love the picture of you and Natalie with the girls looking at each other! Too much cuteness!!

  2. What a cute shower! Love everything about it!!!
