Friday, June 21, 2013

VBS 2013: Colossal Coaster

Sadie & I have had a busy week - it was our first time to go to Vacation Bible School together!
It was every morning this week from 9:00 - 12:30, but since I taught, we had to be there from 8:00 - 1:00. It was a busy & long week, but I am glad we did it! Sadie normally gets up around 9:00, so I had to wake her up at 7:30 every morning to get there on time. Luckily she is pretty flexible & did good every morning. She was so excited when she walked in the first day carrying her own bag:

I couldn't get a good shot of her registering because she was playing. So the second day I caught her right when she walked in - you can telling she is saying "Oooooohhhh!"

I taught the one year old class & we had 8 babies from 10 months - 13 months. Sadie was in the class next door with the next group of babies who were just a bit older. I tried to sneak over every now & then to take a picture of her. They had music time every morning & she loved it. Probably because I sing to her all the time!

They had lots of snacks, including a couple of firsts! They provided lunch every day so she enjoyed her lunchable, hot dog, corn dog, pizza, etc. But I believe she had a capri sun, popcorn & rice krispie treat for the first time.

They had the auditorium all decorated & would play a movie every day while the kids were being picked up by their parents. Every day when we would leave she would run in there all excited:

I think she thought it was the movie theater & she always wanted to sit down & watch the movie like the big kids:

Overall, she had a great time & only got fussy one day. But that was the day after Bryan's swearing in ceremony & she was up late that night, so I blame a late night & lack of sleep for her fussiness! Don't worry - she made up for it by taking a 4 hour nap every afternoon. Apparently VBS wore her out!

Her teachers did a great job with her & they sent her home today with some pretty cute crafts that she made during the week.

I also had fun with my class & had some awesome help as well:

It was an exhausting week, but I already look forward to making this an annual tradition with Sadie in summers to come!

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