Thursday, June 20, 2013

Summer MOPS Playdate

Our last official MOPS meeting was the first week of May & unfortunately, we hadn't seen anyone since then. There were a couple of events in the last month that we have missed while we were traveling, but I was so excited to finally see everyone last week. Our friend Maggie hosted a play date at her house & we had a blast getting to see everyone! We had an awesome breakfast, played outside & the kids took over her house. Sadie loved her backyard. They have a small bounce house that was just her size:

Sadie would crawl in, jump for a second & then slide back down. She probably did this 50 times - I am not exaggerating! When she would get tired she would go sit at the picnic table & rest in the shade:

By the way, this is a new thing she has been doing for the past month or so - she likes to rest her head on the table. Isn't she adorable :)
I tried to get pictures of most of the Moms & their kids, but of course there were way too many of us there to capture everyone & I was busy chasing Sadie around.

Thanks Maggie for opening your home & letting our kids run in & out like crazy! I had a great time catching up with everyone & I know Sadie had fun because she took an awesome nap that afternoon :)

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