Monday, June 24, 2013

Sadie's Little Secret

In case you can't read Sadie's shirt, it says BIG SISTER! That's right friends - we are expecting another baby & our due date is December 22. That's right again - another Christmas baby! This means that our children will be exactly 2 years apart since Sadie was born in December as well.
I am officially 14 weeks & doing good. Time has flown by a lot faster & I feel a lot less prepared this time, but I guess that's what happens after you have your first! And I am much busier these days chasing Sadie around :)
We told most of our family a while back & we had fun sharing the news. I drove down to Conroe to surprise my family while Natalie & her family were visiting. I had this shirt made specifically to help make our announcement since Sadie can't talk yet.

Don't know how I didn't get Aunt Natalie & Uncle Daniel in one of my pictures? And sweet Max was comfy in his stroller so we didn't bother him.
Then we told Bryan's family on Mother's Day after we changed clothes from church & ate lunch at his parent's house.

Since Tim's family lives in Colorado, we face timed them so they could see a picture of Grammy & Grandpa holding Sadie with her shirt on :)
We finally started telling friends about 2 weeks ago & our neighbors were lucky enough to see Sadie in her special shirt also:
The rest of our friends & neighbors have just found out in passing or word of mouth - but we have sure had a fun time telling everyone Sadie's little secret!

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