Thursday, June 6, 2013

Family Vacation, Part III

I know, I know - I always take a lot of pictures, especially when we travel! But I promise this will be the last of my Barbados blog. I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that the food was phenomenal! And we did do a lot of eating - for lunch & dinner. Most days for lunch we would either eat by the pool or we walked down the beach to a couple of local beach huts.

As you can tell, these little beach huts had an amazing view! Another treat that Sadie discovered was strawberry daiquiris:

Every time Bryan or I got one, she thought she had to have a sip :) Don't worry - they were virgin, so it was basically fresh strawberries & ice.
We also dined al fresco every single meal the entire time we were there. I already miss it because it is getting too hot to eat outside in Texas!
We left the hotel for dinner every night & every restaurant we went to was fabulous! Sadie got a little spoiled because some of the restaurants weren't crowded & since they were all beach side, we let her run around. Even if the restaurant was crowded, she kept everyone entertained:
We may have even spoiled her & let her try dessert:
Of course we got most of our good family pictures at night:

We also used a babysitter a couple of nights so Bryan & I could spend some time alone. Sadie loved Aisha - she even brought over toys for her to play with since she was getting bored in her hotel room!

This last picture was our favorite restaurant & while we were eating, 2 stingrays kept us entertained by swimming by us all night!
Before we checked out, we took one last family photo on the balcony:
But Sadie was too busy waving at the ocean one last time to get a good picture with us:
We had a great time & I am so glad that I have these pictures to share as Sadie grows older. She may not remember everything, but the smiles she shared & the memories we made were worth the trip!


  1. Love those curls. Thanks for sharing your pics. We are headed to DisneyWorld tomorrow with Cassie and Parker. Does Bryan hire out as a travel agent? Just wondering. HaHa

  2. Hi, Sadie was an absolute dream to work with. I adore her. She has a big personality for such a tiny person.
    Kisses Sadie ����
    Thank you for allowing me to meet your amazing daughter
