Monday, June 10, 2013

Cody's Graduation

After we got home from Barbados, we spent a few more days in Conroe with my parents & then we drove to Rockport to meet Bryan's family. His cousin Cody graduated from high school! Unfortunately, Sadie & I didn't make it to graduation because it didn't start until 8:00 that night, so we were already asleep at the hotel. Bryan went with the rest of his family though & shared of picture of Cody's big moment:

We were able to make it to dinner before graduation so we could visit with everyone. Cody's sister, Sarah, was there with her baby & it was the first time we got to meet her. She is adorable!
Bryan's Uncle Terry rode his motorcycle down for the weekend & Sadie thought it was a big toy for her to play on:

Hopefully this will be the only motorcycle that she will ever ride on! Actually, she didn't even ride it - she just sat on it & that was enough action for this mama!

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