Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Camp Chaos

The day after we got home from Rockport, my sister & her kids came to visit. Natalie & I decided that we want to spend a week together every summer just hanging out & having fun while our kids play together. She could not have had a better idea! Sadie loved having all of them here, especially Kason! They spent a lot of time running around the house, screaming, playing outside in the water table, going for bike/wagon/car rides & so much more!
My Mom also drove up for the first couple of days so she could stay at home & take care of Max. The first day we loaded up the kids & headed to the Fort Worth Zoo. We also met up with Natalie's friend Joni and her 2 girls:

We saw a lot of neat animals & even though Sadie & I visited this zoo last summer, she enjoyed it much more this time. I didn't take quite as many pictures of the animals this year, but here were a few of my favorites:

Notice a theme with the animal print? Sadie loved pointing to all of the animals & tried to climb into many of the exhibits:

While Zoe watched everything patiently from her stroller:
Kason & Addy spent the whole time running around like best friends do:

They even let Sadie tag along when she could catch up!
It was such a nice day outside & we enjoyed our trip with Aunt Natalie & the cousins:

All of this excitement & it was only day 1 of Camp Chaos - tune in tomorrow to see what else Sadie did with her cousins during their week of fun!

1 comment:

  1. We had a great time too!! Enjoyed visiting with you! I loved looking at your vacation pictures too!
