Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Camp Chaos Continues.....

Since we had such a long & hot day at the zoo, we decided to keep cool the next day by going to the pool. Joni & her girls joined us again & Max even came out to swim!

We tried to gather all of the kids for a group photo before we let them loose. We have a baby pool in our neighborhood & the big pool, so there was a lot of running back & forth. As you can see, everyone soaked up the sun & the cool water:


We also stayed cool by enjoying Popsicles:
This was Sadie's first Popsicle & at first she didn't know what to think...... But after she saw Kason eating it, she went for it!
Of course we had to show her how to push the ice up - she didn't quite understand that at first:

The next day was rainy so we went to see a movie:
This was the first time I have taken Sadie to a movie & she surprisingly did very well!
She was mesmerized the first 20 minutes or so:

Luckily we went around lunchtime so we packed the kids lunches & that kept her happy for another 30 minutes or so. Her little booster seat was so cute & it had a spot for her to put her drink & her food. I will admit the last 30 minutes of the show she got a little antsy but overall she kept quiet & didn't run around. She just sat in my lap.
Kason on the other hand loved it! You can tell he has been to the movies a time or two.....

And yes, that's the stroller parked by Natalie. Zoe & Max just chilled while the movie was going - they were troopers also!
Finally, you can't have a week of cousins playing together without them bathing together!
Gotta love it at this age when they still get along & play together so well!

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