Friday, December 8, 2023

Holiday Music Happenings

At our elementary school, you may join the choir in 4th & 5th grade. Sadie participated both years & Sophie finally had her chance to join this year! They meet every other week after school to practice & they had their first performance this past weekend at Merry Main Street:

Do you see her on the back row smiling up there?! We took a lot of video so I forgot to zoom out & take a picture of the entire choir with their director but I tried to zoom in & get a few pictures of her:

We had perfect weather & as you can see in the background, the trees are gorgeous right now! They sang a few songs on the stage & then we got to hang out with some of her friends afterwards:

As you can see, they found the booth with the face painting & the glitter tattoos, so they were all decked out for the holidays!

Thank you Liz for capturing the spirit of the season with our girls!

Later in the week, we headed up to Sadie's school for her first band concert! It is mandatory for the 6th graders to choose a fine art their first year (art, choir, theater, band or orchestra) and she chose band. She plays the oboe & she was nervous because there are only 2 of them. They had a solo & they did great:

They sat in the middle so I couldn't really see her until they stood up but here is a picture of the entire beginner band:

They played Christmas music & it was very fun to see them perform - it was honestly surprising how good they sounded for only having played for a few months!

I know these girls play a lot of sports, tumble, cheer, etc. but I am proud of them for branching out & trying new things as well!

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