Monday, December 11, 2023

Sadie's 12th Birthday

Last Friday, Sadie turned 12! How is it possible that I have a tween in middle school?! She woke up that morning to find Ellie ready for her:

She didn't get much for her birthday this year because she had a couple of big surprises that I will blog about soon. As part of one of her surprises, instead of having a birthday party like we always have, we just invited a few friends over that night. We took them to Benihana for dinner:

Sophie had a basketball game so Bryan was with her. After the girls ate, they surprised her & sang Happy Birthday & treated her to ice cream:

Afterwards, we walked around The Shops at Legacy & looked at all of the Christmas decorations:

When we got home, Bryan & Sophie were there so she opened presents & we had cake:

We had the best night celebrating & I can't wait to show the rest of her surprises soon - stay tuned!

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