Thursday, November 30, 2023

Life Lately - November

November flew by & I don't have many pictures to share that haven't been posted already, but there were a few that slipped through. Basically the girls finished their fall sports before Thanksgiving & most of their winter activities started right afterwards. Sophie's football team was expected to make it all the way to the Super Bowl so they were shocked when they were eliminated in the semifinals. The girls celebrated with an end of the season party with matching pj's - they had so much fun:

We also wrapped up their soccer season. We went to the food truck park to celebrate after their last game & it was perfect weather so all of the families had a blast. Of course I didn't take a single picture, but I did at our last practice! We always end the season with a parent-daughter scrimmage & it's always a good time:

Sophie's volleyball team finished the season strong, but they had to skip the playoff tournament because half of the team was at girl scout camp. But guess who coached their final game?!

Their coach couldn't come so Sadie stepped up to help out! Their team had a great season & will continue to play in the winter:

Finally, Sophie got to participate in the Veteran's Assembly at school & she had a speaking part! She was so excited & a little nervous at the same time:

Sadie wrapped up her volleyball season also & I think her team got 2nd place. She wasn't expected to play in their final game, but we made it back in town just in time. Before we went to Arkansas, we took her to San Antonio/Austin while Sophie was at girl scout camp. We had fun in Austin because we went shopping at the Co-op, walked campus & got to eat at one of Bryan's favorite Mexican joints:

We had some downtime so I took a few of her friends shopping at the Doman & introduced them to Amy's Ice Cream:

I'm kind of happy we survived the fall & hope that winter will slow down for us!

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