Friday, October 20, 2023

State Fair 2023

This week we surprised the girls with another annual tradition - the State Fair of Texas! The girls always get free tickets from school & we like to go on a weeknight when it is not as crowded and this year it was perfect weather! We got there a little later since Sadie gets out of school later in middle school then we went straight to the animals. We love visiting the birthing barn, the petting zoo, we saw the Clydesdale horses and so much more! While we were over there, we caught a bubble show that Sophie loved:

Then we headed straight for the food! Last year was our first year for Sadie & I going gluten free so this year we had it figured out. Bryan started with a Fletcher's corn dog & his favorite siracha balls, while Sophie found bacon, cheese & ranch fries:

Sadie got sausage on a stick & elotes. I had a bite of both of hers but then I got the piggy poppers again because they were so good last year:

For dessert, Sadie had a caramel apple while Bryan & Sophie split a funnel cake:

I had a harder time finding dessert since I am now dairy free & gluten free so it kind of stunk. I really wanted that fried chocolate chip cookie dough! 

When we finally finished eating, we headed towards Big Tex:

While we were there, the starlight parade came by:

Can you believe that after all these years, we had never seen the parade?! I guess we were always in a different part of the park around that time. Finally the girls were ready to ride a few rides! We let them choose a few each. Sophie usually does the ferris wheel, in fact, she is obsessed! But this year I rode the sky walk with her - it's kind of like a tram that goes from one side to the other & she loved it just as much:

It had the best view of the entire park lit up at night! And it is cheaper than the ferris wheel & there was no line:

She also rode the big slide but Sadie went to the other side of the park & likes to ride the thrill rides:

She also did the haunted house, by herself!

Bryan & I are all about the food & we let them choose a few rides, but we never do the games. They are so rigged! But the girls got a Halloween card in the mail with $5 inside from their grandparents to go get a treat. Well they decided to bring their money to the fair & spend it on a game since we wouldn't pay for it! At least they were smart & went for a game with a guaranteed prize:

Thank you Mimi & Doc!

Side note, somehow Sophie ended up with a 2nd dessert - I forgot she hit up the slushie factory while Sadie was riding rides:

What can we say - our family loves the sweet treats!

We had a great time & I am so glad the girls still enjoy going with us & we can squeeze a family night in with their crazy schedules. Until next year!

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