Friday, October 27, 2023

Life Lately - October

Before I start posting about fall & Halloween over the next week, I guess I should catch up on everything else that happened this month! Sophie's girl scout troop started meeting again. They had their first meeting after school this month & it was such nice weather, a few of them played outside afterwards:

They also went to iFly & went sky diving:

She was a little scared, but she at least she did it!

They have 2 more games left in their fall soccer season & they are playing really well:

Cheerleading is also going strong! They have 2 more games also for regular season, but they will definitely be going longer with the playoff season. This month they celebrated Pink Out:

and she got to be head cheerleader with Sloane:

Finally, she got to go to a roller skating birthday party which is always fun:

Moving on to Sadie, this girl says yes to everything! I'm pretty sure she does absolutely everything a 6th grader can do in middle school, including joining student council & running for 6th grade rep. We had to make a poster for her to hang up at school:

Not bad for last minute, huh? She literally came from school, told me, we had 1 hour to make it & then she was at soccer all evening before she turned it in the next day. When I worked the book fair last week I got to see it hanging in the school:

She also went to Fields of Faith at the Star with her friends one night:

These 2 girls have become some of her closest friends at school this year. In fact, I even took her to their football game to watch them cheer:

She is still doing cotillion. Thankfully she got to go back to the Frisco chapter this month with her friends:

And finally, need I even say it - soccer! Their team is still doing great. This past month they went to Arkansas & Louisiana. It is hard on our family & time consuming but she loves every single minute she has hanging out with these girls on their trips:

Bryan's cousin lives in Bentonville so he came to one of her games:

One of the moms took a few action shots for me since I was stuck at home sick:

I hardly update on Bryan & I because our life mostly revolves around the girls. But I volunteer a lot & someone finally caught me in action when I met up with some friends from our PTA Board to help out at Frisco Threads this week:

But one of our favorites this month was celebrating Nanny's 90th birthday!

We had the best night getting to celebrate with all of the Dodson family & are so thankful we live close enough to get together with them often:

Busy month but we are ready for Halloween! 

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