Friday, October 13, 2023

Little Miss Cheer 2023

Another fall, another tradition with the Dodson girls - Little Miss Cheer! Every single year our high school has a cheerleading clinic during football season & I think our girls have gone since they were 4. This year Sadie had a soccer game & didn't want to go, but Sophie jumped at the chance! She went with a few of her friends:

They met up as soon as we dropped them off & this year was even more fun because one of her friend's sister is a high school cheerleader so she helped lead their grade:

We got to go early at the end to watch them perform & of course I have more videos than pictures, but here are a few with her friends again:

A few weeks later they got to perform at the JV football game. I was sick & was not able to attend so Bryan took her. Most of her friends were not there so I don't think she had as much fun as she used to. They used to pick up the girls & let them do stunts with the high school girls also, but they don't anymore. So, this may have been her last year. Either way, I thought she looked cute & I'm glad she had fun:

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