Monday, October 2, 2023

Luke Bryan Concert

During covid we listened to a lot of music around the house & the girls really got into Luke Bryan. There are a few songs in particular that they really liked, so when he announced his latest tour, Bryan bought us tickets! He actually bought them last year so thank goodness our schedule worked out & we were able to go:

He played Thursday night in Dallas, but it was at an outside venue, so we bought tickets to Dickie's Arena in Fort Worth, since it was inside. We knew it would still be hot in September! We hadn't been to this newer arena yet so that was a first for Bryan & I and the whole experience was new to the girls - they have never really been to a "real concert" before either!

They were definitely in the minority since it was mostly adults, but they were troopers! The concert started at 7:00 with opening acts but Luke didn't come on stage until 9:00:

I think they were a little shy at first & wondered why I was acting so crazy singing & dancing along, but by the end of the concert, they had loosened up & had joined us! In fact, we got some awesome videos of all 4 of us enjoying the night:

We had the best night & I am so glad we were able to take a night off to sneak away for the evening:

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