Friday, October 6, 2023

Life Lately - September

Well, it's Friday night & I am stuck at home by myself so I thought it would be a perfect time to share the rest of our photos from the past month since we are already in October! I usually don't prefer to be home on the weekend by myself, but unfortunately I have been stuck in bed since last Sunday. I tested positive for strep throat & covid. Ugh. Let's just say it's been a long week......

Did I mention Bryan was gone this week? That made it even more fun since I was stuck in our bedroom, he was gone & the girls were on their own. Ha! I wish I could have gone with him because I have never been to North Carolina but while he was there, he snuck in a workout on campus:

Next up, Sadie. She is busy with soccer. Every other week they have shooting practice at an indoor facility with her team & they love it - it's fun for a different type of practice & it's kind of like a bonding event:

She is dominating middle school, better than I expected! They just finished the first 9 weeks & she has straight A's, even with her advanced classes. She is improving every week with the oboe. She LOVES pre-athletics & she is so involved. She is in student council, library lunch bunch, FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) & KLIFE, which is a weekly bible study. FCA & KLIFE meet before school an hour earlier & she goes every week. She even attended her first See You at the Pole Rally:

She had to miss the Frisco cotillion this month because she was in Louisiana for soccer so she had to go to September's cotillion in Plano, which she was not happy about.:

She did not know a single person & she was very nervous, but I was so proud of her for going & clearly she had fun by the pictures I found on Facebook:

She left with Bryan today to play in Arkansas this weekend. 

Both girls went to volleyball camp with varsity high school girls last weekend:

I didn't get any pictures of Sadie because she was with the older girls, but they both had fun. 

We also had walk to school day this week. Of course I was stuck at home, but I coordinated with other moms to make sure they had someone to meet up with:

Sophie is loving school also! Doing her own thing now that Sadie is at her own school:

She joined a few clubs this year also now she is old enough - choir & the Pink Pacers running club. No pictures to share yet but lots from cheerleading. I think I posted last week that she earned princess of practice but then at their next game, she also won the spirit stick! She was the first on her squad to earn both & in the same week:

Speaking of cheer, that's what I get to do tomorrow. I was supposed to go to Arkansas, but since I have been sick, Bryan & I had to switch. Sophie has a football game tomorrow & I have never been more excited because I have not left the house (or practically our bedroom) in a week! Here's hoping the rest of our fall stays healthy & no one else catches what I had. 

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