Thursday, September 28, 2023

Pink Pacer Community Fun Run Fall 2023

Our elementary school has always a community fun run in the spring however, they decided to move it up to the fall this year so they had it Tuesday night. Sadie always loved the fun run because she won it every year but this year she had soccer practice so the 3 of us went without her, which meant it was Sophie's night to shine! I stayed after school to help set up the race but her & Bryan came early so she could sing the National Anthem with the choir:

Our school choir is only offered to 4th & 5th graders so this is Sophie's first year & this was her first performance! Afterwards, they headed straight to the starting line to stretch & get ready for the race to start:

Since I was volunteering, Bryan ran with her. He helped her keep a pace & had music playing to keep her motivated:

She got 3rd place last year & was pretty determined to place again this year, especially since her sister always did. Our biggest reminder was don't start too strong - the kids always sprint at the beginning & then can't maintain it:

and she did! I cheered her on at several spots on the course & I could tell she was struggling, but somehow she pushed on & she even sprinted at the finish line:

One of her friends beat her, but let's be honest - she is like Sadie & plays club soccer so she runs all the time. Sophie is definitely a rec player & will tell you that she does not like to run. Ha! But she still got 2nd place!

You can tell how tired she was in that picture! That was seconds after she crossed the finish line. Once I got her cooled down, we went back to the finish line to cheer on her friends. One of her besties got 3rd place, so they had fun celebrating together:

Their friend Ashley had to leave so she couldn't stay for the award ceremony but these 2 girls were proud to be up there together:

Their teachers were there cheering them on also:

I cannot tell you how PROUD we are of her! Running does not come as natural for her as it does for Sadie & she didn't really practice for the race, but she had a goal & she exceeded it. Go Sophie!

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