Monday, October 30, 2023

Halloween Happenings

Before the big day comes, I thought I would post some of our other fall/Halloween fun from the past month. It started early when the girls got a Halloween package in the mail - I cannot tell you how excited they get when they get mail!

We have been baking festive goodies all month, mostly pumpkin themed! Sadie had a sleepover one night & they made pumpkin donuts:

We also made pumpkin, white chocolate chip snickerdoodle cookies & they were amazing:

I even bought orange & black chips & made Halloween sheet pan nachos one night for dinner:

Fun fact I haven't written on here yet, but I am officially dairy free, along with gluten free now. Ugh, it's not by choice! Sadie is just gluten free so the dairy is just me. That's why our nachos have 1 side with no cheese on it. I've had to start all over researching recipes, ingredients, etc. but thankfully I found a lot of name brand alternatives out there:

Bryan is traveling a lot before the end of the year so Sophie & I were so surprised when we came home & found fall flowers on the front porch:

Sadie had a fun surprise earlier this month when her soccer team went to a Haunted House together:

The girls have been talking about it since last year! Most of them had never been before & it was definitely a real haunted house, so they were nervous. Thankfully there was a group of them with their coach & 2 of the dads, just in case:

Even the characters walking around outside the haunted house were scary! I think the girls were scared at first, but once they got in there & started walking around, they got used to it & even started laughing. Thankfully they survived & Sadie is already asking to go back next year:

We planned to take the girls to Fright Fest at Six Flags twice but both times it didn't work out, so Sophie was pretty bummed that Sadie got to go to the Haunted House & she didn't have anything, so Bryan took her & a friend to Monster Mini Golf & they had their own fun:

Afterwards he took them to In & Out Burger:

Finally, we had our fall festival at church last night. It was supposed to be outside, but we had a ton of rain the past week & a big cold front blew in, so they had to move it inside. It definitely was crowded inside the church, but there was a ton of people there & the girls still had a blast! Sadie got to volunteer since she is in the youth group now so I don't really have any pictures of her but I saw Sophie & her friends running around all night:

I mean check out their matching face paint! They looked like they got ran over by a car:

I popped popcorn all night & Bryan got stuck helping kids inside the obstacle course. Can you see Blake & Sophie jumping up there?!

It's been a fun month & the girls are ready for tomorrow. I'm just hoping it warms up a little so it won't be so cold when we are out trick or treating!

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