Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Halloween 2023

Halloween was a little different this year, but the girls had a great time! We had a cold front blow in the weekend before so it was chilly & we had to change up their costumes a bit. I'll start with Sophie because we met up with her friends first. It has been a tradition for the 4th grade girls to be fast food restaurants so they kept up the tradition! Sadie was chiller bee, but Sophie wanted to be Starbucks! Sadie wasn't in full costume yet, but I tried to get a picture of both of them before we left:

Then we headed over to her friends house to pre-party:

Thank you Liz for all of the amazing photos! She sent us some in black & white, then color:

We only stayed for about an hour at their house then Bryan & I came home. Two of the moms took them around the neighborhood while we came home to check on Sadie. She wasn't meeting up with her friends until later so she stayed at the house to pass out candy while we were gone. We visited for a while with our neighbors while she hit up a few of their houses:

Then I dropped her off at her friend's house. She has 2 new friends from school who live in a different neighborhood, so this was the first time she didn't trick or treat with us or in our own subdivision! These girls didn't want to dress up too much, so they ordered matching pumpkin cowgirl shirts & hats:

Honestly, it was kind of weird! Both of the girls were with their friends, Bryan was home watching the Rangers & I was too cold to sit outside like I normally do so I kind of hung out inside & went out occasionally to visit when I saw someone. The girls had a blast with their friends and they definitely came home with the loot!

We'll see what happens next year as these girls get older!

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