Friday, September 15, 2023

Weekend Wrap Up

Last weekend we had our first "normal" weekend back for fall & it was busy! A typical fall weekend for us includes 6 games - 1 football, 2 volleyball & 3 soccer games. Throw in a birthday party, church & college football & it makes for a busy few days! But honestly, we love it & I always say I don't know what I will do in 10+ years when it all goes away:

The good news is that when they were younger, they had earlier games. Now that they are older, their games are later, so we still got to sleep in Saturday morning & I cooked a big brunch to get us ready for the day. That is probably my favorite time of the week - I love our Saturday mornings at home. We left the house around 11:00 to head out for our first game of the weekend:

Sophie had her first football game for the Cowboys! Of course our friend is a photographer so we got several pictures from her since it was their first game:

One of their close friends came to watch them & they were so excited to see her:

Their halftime performance was really great for their first time - they had a full dance with jumps & 2 stunts in it. Sophie is the base this year:

She is really excited to be on a new squad this year & thankfully she is still with some of her good friends. I have always helped coach also but it's kind of a relief to not have to worry about this year since I will miss a few of her games when I will be traveling with Sadie's soccer team. A few of them even wore their uniforms to school on Friday in honor of their first game:

From cheer, we went to Fieldhouse to watch Sadie play volleyball:

She joined a new team this fall so we will see how they do. Personally, she had a great game & had a few good serves. I was just glad it was inside & we had a quick break from the heat! 

From here, we went to Sophie's soccer game. Bryan still coaches but we changed things up this year. Instead of being called the Twinkle Toes, they changed their name to the Strykers! They have been some version of pink with the Twinkle Toes since they started playing at 3/4 years old so we thought it was time to move on. We let them vote on the new uniform & color which turned out great:

I love the blue! Sophie played goal keeper in the first half & she did great, even if she doesn't like playing there:

This was a home weekend for Sadie, meaning she didn't have to travel so she had fun watching Sophie play & entertaining the little sisters on the team:

We were able to make it home in time for the kick off of the Texas football game. Yes sir - that game was awesome! I don't have any pictures to post, but we had a few friends over & it was the perfect way to celebrate our victory over Alabama! Go Horns!

The next morning, Sadie had a game in Fort Worth so I took her while Bryan & Sophie went to church:

They played well & won 3-0. Unfortunately, when she is not traveling, all of our "home" games for this league are in Fort Worth. Next weekend they play in Louisiana so Bryan is going to take her while I stay back with Sophie for the weekend. 

We drove back just in time to meet Sophie at her volleyball game:

Her team won & she had some great serves as well! I have to throw a shout out to Sadie & Tatum because they took turns being our line judges during the game:

Whew - one weekend down, 8-10 more to go?! Most of their seasons are 8 games but sometimes there are playoffs & post season tournaments, but this should keep us busy until Thanksgiving. I'm not sure how we lucked out, but every year I think we are overloaded but then the schedules are released & somehow it always works out? We hardly have any conflicts, especially for Sophie. Sadie will miss a few volleyball games because she will be traveling for soccer, but we knew that going into it. Here we go girls!

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