Monday, September 18, 2023

GA Dad's Trip to Louisiana

This past weekend Sadie played in Lafayette, Louisiana and since Sophie had her own busy schedule here, I stayed behind & spent the weekend with her while Bryan & Sadie had a father daughter weekend with the rest of the dads. One of the dads couldn't fly in until later Saturday evening so one of Sadie's friends went with them. First stop, the airport lounge:

They were excited to stock up on snacks! Clearly Sadie has followed in my footsteps because she went straight for the gluten free brownies & she took a picture for me:

What can I saw - like mother, like daughter?!

Next up, the airport tram:

and then the flight:

When they landed, they went straight to the hotel & met up with some of the other girls. A big group of them went to dinner that night & had cajun:

Apparently, the girls all thought it was spicy but the boys loved it because they just wanted to go somewhere with tv's so they could watch football!

I'm pretty sure the girls ran around the hotel & played all night while the dads continued to watch football & I found so many random selfies:

They had a 10:00 curfew and then they all had to get their beauty rest for the big game on Sunday morning:

Reese & Sadie were inseparable this weekend. Bryan even got connecting rooms with her dad so they went back & forth between their rooms & they slept together:

I got the play by play via text during their game & it sounds like they dominated and won 5-0! It appears they came, the saw and they conquered:

Guess it will be a mom's weekend in Little Rock, Arkansas next time!

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