Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Labor Day Weekend 2023

Sadie's soccer team is playing in a new league this year instead of playing locally, they are in a travel league:

They will be traveling every other weekend & we had their first league games this past weekend. Thankfully they were playing in Houston, where I happen to be from! I don't know who was more excited - Sadie to be traveling with her friends or Sophie, because she wanted to skip soccer & be dropped off with my family. Ha! 

She spent the night at my sister's house on Friday night & she definitely had a first - instead of walking the dog, she got to walk the sheep:

I'm not sure she knew what she was doing, but she had fun! After that, they had a movie night:

She spent most of the weekend with Zoe & on Saturday night, they spent the night at my parent's house. Meanwhile, we were staying at the team hotel in Houston with Sadie. We had just as much fun with her friends. We had 2 early mornings where we met the team for breakfast:

On Saturday we were finished by 10:30 so the girls had all day to shop, hang out & meet up for dinner with their coach:

Coach T has 3 GA teams - 07, 09 & 11's so we are the littles of the group, that's what T calls them. We will travel with them all year, all stay at the same hotel & on some instances have team dinners together also. This time they had fajitas at Lupe Tortilla. Bryan & I had fun sneaking off to my parent's house to hang out, visit & eat while she was with the team and it was fun having my family come to her games:

On Sunday, we surprised Sadie & had her first "college tour". I say that jokingly because she's only 11! But for some reason she has always liked Rice so while we were down there, we drove around campus & went to check out their soccer field:

It's a beautiful campus but it's so brown right now. It's really sad how dry everything is since we've had such a hot summer:

We stopped by my parent's house for lunch & to hang out some more before we headed home Sunday night. We would have stayed the night but we had to get back because our other family was getting together also. Bryan's brother came to visit & we don't get to see them very ofter so the girls had fun spending the day with their cousins:

We had the best meal & had a great time visiting. Too bad we forgot to take a group picture before Granny left:

What a fun way to end the holiday weekend! Thank you Mimi, Doc, Grammy & Grandpa for having us over this weekend!

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