Friday, September 22, 2023

Sophie's Girl Weekend

Since Sadie will be traveling more for soccer, Bryan & I are taking turns traveling with her but one of us will always be here with Sophie since she has her own schedule. Last weekend was my weekend to be with her so we made it a girl's weekend! She had a soccer game & football game on Saturday but after that we invited a friend over to spend the night. They put on their bathing suits & thought they wanted to swim, but apparently the water was cold. It's still pretty hot during the day but the night time temps have dropped so I guess that has cooled the pool down, so they decided they would take a bath together & turn her bathroom into a spa:

They had relaxing music on, face masks, body exfoliant, a candle burning - all of the things. Clearly these girls know how to relax:

The spent at least an hour up there! We had fun making home made pizzas & watching movies but the next morning they were up early for church. Thankfully our church had a pizza luncheon so that was fun to stay around for:

She had a volleyball game that afternoon & then she went ice skating with her girl scout troop:

They always have fun doing this every year & even get the best snacks - this time they had hot cocoa & cupcakes:

I have a feeling her weekends will be extra fun when Sadie is out of town because it will be all about her!

A few more fun photos to share while we are talking about Sophie...... First up, we finally saw the Barbie movie. Sadie thought it was pretty stupid & got bored but Sophie loved every second of it:

They had college & career week at school last week so you know what team Sophie cheered for:

Finally, she got princess of practice at cheer this week, so that was definitely a favorite!

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