Friday, September 1, 2023

Life Lately - August

I'm not sure what happened, but somehow school started the beginning of August & now it is already September. August was a fun month, slowly getting back to normal after summer & getting ready for fall. Starting with cheer. Sophie went to 2 different camps - FFL camp (for all of the cheerleaders) and then Cowboy camp (for just her squad). She is loving every moment of it & is ready for her first game this week:

She also starts volleyball & soccer this week but I don't have any pictures of that. Who takes pictures of their practices?! I do have a few fun photos at a birthday party because it was 80 themed:

She loves rock climbing! 

When I went out of town for my girl's weekend, I got a few pictures sent my way also. They got to spend a lot of time with Dad that weekend. Sophie had a lunch date with him while Sadie went to a band event then swimming with her friends:

The girls spent some time hanging out together & watching movies:

Sophie had an event at our school one evening with Bryan & all of the other Watch Dog Dads:

I guess Sadie is too cool for elementary now so she asked to be dropped off at the high school volleyball game instead:

Clearly they didn't miss me at all because they were so busy while I was gone!

Lastly, Bryan is always sharing photos with me when he travels. He is always going somewhere & meeting someone, but it's even more fun when it's unexpected:

Another fun fact about Bryan - he is now a middle school leader at our church! 6th grade breaks up into small groups with boys & girls so he is leading a boys group:

He's braver than I am!

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