Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Junior Cotillion - Introduction Class

In our area, it is has been tradition for the 6th graders to do Cotillion:

Somehow I got asked to be on the board & help recruit students to do it, so I took the lead at our school & several of my friends at other schools did the same. I did not do this when I was growing up, but I was excited for both of our girls to do it. Let's just say Sadie did not share the same excitement! But I took her shopping before school started & we bought a few dresses & some new shoes so I think that helped. Yesterday was their first event & it was an introduction. We got there early but it was crazy busy so unfortunately, we didn't really get pictures until afterwards so her face is a little flushed from the heat & her curls have fallen, but I thought she still looked beautiful:

They meet at our local country club & they have 4 sessions with 100 kids in each, half boys & half girls. Needless to say it was a little chaotic with 100 kids being picked up while the next 100 were dropped off. They do a great job of combining schools for each session so Sadie's group is mostly 3 middle schools & we know several of the kids at each of them & the majority of our group was from our elementary school. That definitely helped that she was with a lot of friends:

We tried to get a picture with all of the Pink girls, but we are missing several:

Yesterday they learned how to sit, how to greet each other, how to eat a snack & how to dance. I mean seriously, she came home & I was surprised how much she learned in their first session! I guess they gave awards to the top girls & boys who did a good job participating with a good attitude & surprisingly Sadie was one of the winners:

She might have said she didn't like it, but I think secretly she did! Looks like this will be our monthly tradition & I look forward to seeing her & all of her friends dressed up again!

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