Monday, August 28, 2023

LCU Girls' Reunion - Belton

Last year I met a few of my college girlfriends for a weekend away & we had such a great time, we did it again this year! Same weekend, different place. This time we drove to Belton, which is where one of my friends live. She has a friend who has a house on the lake:

Everything was so dry & the lake was extremely low. We ended up finding out it is 15 feet below normal right now. Unfortunately, it was hot also. It stayed around 107-108 the whole weekend. Ugh. I am over this extreme heat! 

On my drive down, I got into town early so I stopped in Waco:

I have been here before but last time it was so crowded & the line for the bakery was out the door. Not this time! The place was empty & I was able to shop the market & walk right in & out of the bakery with no line at all. Apparently everyone was at work or at school & no one was out at the silos when it was almost 110 degrees out there! I bought their famous cupcakes for my friends & then all of their cookies were gluten free so I bought 1 of each. Of course I did!

The cashier has celiac also so he told me about a local bakery in town & I could not resist:

I bought an assortment to last me through the weekend. Plus I wanted to try everything because we drive through Waco all the time on our way to Austin so I wanted to see if this bakery was worth stopping at again in the future:

The strawberry cupcake & cinnamon roll were DELICIOUS! 

We did eat a lot, all weekend and we visited a lot! It was basically like one big slumber party where we stayed up late every night & slept in every morning. It was delightful! We didn't take many pictures, but I did catch a few of the animals. We were surrounded by wildlife but we mostly saw deer & silver foxes:

We drove around town, saw where my friend lived, worked, etc. and then hit up all of her favorite boutiques, which might have been my favorite thing. We did some good shopping & I already bought a few things for Christmas!

We also spent one day at the spa:

I went first & got a hot stone massage and then we joked that after a few hours in the quiet room, we were kicked out!

My favorite meal was at a smokehouse - we literally had to wait in line outside to order our barbecue, but it was totally worth it:

We spent our final evening at the lake. Originally, we had talked about paddleboarding but it was so dang hot. Honestly, I wasn't in the mood to go out to the lake at all, but 2 of my friends really wanted to so I drove them there & sat in the shade while I watched them float around:

Apparently I made the better choice because they only lasted about 30 minutes and when they came out, they were disgusting - they said the lake was full of algae & it stunk. They were freaked out just sitting in the water so they quickly ran out. Oh-well. We didn't get to spend as much time outside hiking or on the water like we had planned, but we made up for it sitting inside visiting with each other. We are already talking about next year - maybe we'll meet in the winter instead?!

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