Monday, August 21, 2023

Sadie's Knee Injury

Almost a month ago, Sadie injured her knee. You would think it would be from soccer, but unfortunately not. It was a random accident but it definitely took her out of soccer for the past 3 weeks. She actually trained all summer on her own, did 2 weeks of two a days with her team, then participated in their summer fitness test with her team. Afterwards I took a bunch of girls to Hurricane Harbor (I blogged about that) then afterwards we went to the mall to eat dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. Somehow Sadie fell on the escalator & sliced her knee open. It wasn't a big cut, but it was deep. We ate dinner, took all of our friends home & when we finally got home a few hours later, it was still bleeding. Needless to say Bryan ended up taking her to the urgent care facility by our house at 10:00 that night:

I took pictures of her knee, but I'll spare you the bloody mess. They ended up gluing it back together. It got worse as the weekend went on - the swelling & the pain. By Monday I decided it would be better to take her in again so off we went to Scottish Rite to see a sports medicine doctor. They were concerned about an infection with the swelling, but the blood work was negative. They also did a MRI to rule out further injury & long story short, it was so swollen because it bled so much internally. They put her on crutches & she spent a week hobbling around without bending her knee at all. She attended every practice & missed their first tournament of the season, where they played 5 games & ended up winning the championship 5-0! I hated that she didn't get to play but at least she was there to cheer them on along the way & celebrate with them afterwards:

The next week her swelling finally started going down so we took the crutches away & started doing physical therapy at home. Fast forward to last week where we pushed her even harder - I made her ride the peloton every afternoon after school & started making her jog outside. Her steri tape never fell off because it was glued to her knee & her knee continued to ooze & bleed for a few weeks every time she bent it, so that definitely didn't help. But her coach surprised the team & cancelled practice one night so they could do a team therapy & bonding experience together at:

Most of her team sat together & did Normatec, which is compression on their legs:

Her doctors said she couldn't do the compression, but she could do light therapy targeted on her knee. She had to do it in a room by herself so she was bored out of her mind, but at least she got to participate:

Afterwards they all took turns & did 3 minutes of cryotherapy - she even made it to -257 degrees! Can you imagine?!

Afterwards they walked across the street & had dinner together:

It was a long 3 weeks, she was a hard patient, and she officially missed 2 tournaments but finally this past weekend she got to play again. They played a few friendly games with a team from Houston & Oklahoma & they won both. She didn't get to start & she only played half the game, but at least she was back out there. I just hated the timing of it with her injury being the same time as when she started middle school, but at least she is now back to normal & can participate in pre-athletics & sports, just like she always has. Let's go Renegades!

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