Friday, August 4, 2023

End of Summer Fun

We are quickly approaching back to school so we are trying to squeeze in all of the summer fun while we still can! Remember we came home from traveling because Sadie started soccer. They had two-a-days for 2 weeks with fitness training every morning & they finally finished their summer push with a fitness test last Friday. Somehow I was able to snap a picture before:

Four miles & a lot of sweat later here they are again:

I can't believe they are still smiling?! It might be the Gatorade that I bribed them with! These girls have trained hard & are ready to play, which is a good thing since they have 4 tournaments in August!

After the fitness test, we took a few of the girls with us to Hurricane Harbor:

This is the water park at Six Flags in Arlington & we had never been there before, but since we have season tickets, we wanted to check it out since it is free:

It was a lot of fun but to be honest, it was also pretty exhausting since it was 108 outside. Thank goodness we cooled off with some cool treats:

Sophie's girl scout troop spent the morning at the Little Elm Beach this week to celebrate the end of summer:

They swam, they played, they built sand castles & they ate watermelon:

It was the perfect way to spend one of our last days of summer with friends!

Finally, we had 2 last pool parties for all of the GA girls we go to church with. We started with the 5th grade girls & as soon as they left, we had the 3rd grade girls:

I'm still waiting for a picture from the younger girls but here are the older girls. As you can see Sadie is nursing an injury now so I will update on that later. 

It's been a fun summer but I think these girls are ready to get back to school to see their friends & I think I might be ready for a scheduled routine again. 

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