Monday, August 7, 2023

Back to School Prep

We just finished our last official week of summer & as much as we are still having fun, we've had a lot of things to cross off our list also. Sadie had her annual eye appointment & she got new glasses for middle school:

She still mostly wears contacts but she hasn't had new glasses in 2 years & sometimes your eyes just want a break & glasses are easier.

I don't have pictures of everything, but both of the girls got new haircuts. After summer, they desperately needed them! I can't believe I don't have a picture of this monumental occasion but Sadie got a cell phone. Can you believe it? We have always said middle school & well, that's where we are at. She wanted one all summer & we tried to wait until the very last minute but she was definitely one of the last to get it. And she started shaving her legs:

I held her off as long as I could. I tried to explain to her that her hair is so blonde you can't see it & once you start, you never get to stop & honestly, it's not that fun! Ha! But she was the only girl on her soccer team who had "hairy" legs so we finally gave in. 

Sadie went to oboe camp! They only offered camp to the oboes & bassoons so I kind of felt pressure that she had to do it! But I think it was great - they taught them all about the instrument, how to put it together, take it apart, clean it & play it. At the end of the week, they had a little concert for us:

We've had a couple of sleepovers - trying to soak up the late nights while they can:

Sadie even had a slumber party for one of her best friends 2 nights before school started:

 I went over to help the girls earlier in the evening with their scavenger hunt & had so much fun running around with our group of girls:

They did everything from knocking on doors & borrowing things, looking for item around the neighborhood & even singing to boys!

Afterwards they had a few snacks & then I stayed around to help drive the girls. They wrapped 3 different boys' houses & this might have been the highlight of their night:

I finally went home around midnight, but I heard they stayed up until 3:30 or so having fun at their glow party:

Bryan & I even had a night out - we tried a new restaurant in town with a few friends before the craziness of fall sports starts:

Sadie got invited to a pool party for 6th grade - not just with our school, but with all 6th graders from other schools, so that was fun to meet new moms! I say meet new moms because all of the moms met, but I felt like most of the kids stayed in their own groups & didn't meet anyone:

Our final back to school prep was nails! Sadie literally got a gift card from her birthday that she has saved since then so we made appointments with her friends:

Sophie only had $10 so she has worked extra hard the past few weeks cleaning around the house & helping me with projects to earn her nails:

And that's it! Shopping, check. Hair, check. Nails, check. These girls are ready to head back to campus!

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