Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Life Lately - July

Now that we are finally home from traveling, we are enjoying summer at home before the kids head back to school, which is sooner than we like! Let's catch up on a few things the girls have been up to while we were not traveling. 

Sophie had always played basketball since kindergarten in the summer & Bryan has always coached her & her friends. Until this year...... She decided she wanted to take it a little more serious & try playing with a competitive team. There are only 6 girls so they have gotten a lot of play time & so far, she has enjoyed it. It helped that she joined with her friend, Hayden, so at least she knew someone:

Of course it was fun when she played some of her friends along the way too:

Bryan's birthday was the same day as one of her game's so we invited Bryan's family over to watch her game & celebrate:

We had a great night celebrating them both!

In similar news, Sophie has always cheered for the same squad & I have helped coach, but her team didn't stay together this year. There were 5 girls that wanted to stay together so instead of starting over with a new squad again, we found another squad who were losing girls & merged with them. She is officially a Cowboy:

We hated to leave her squad & I feel bad I am not helping this year, but in the end, it all worked out. She knows several girls on this squad & we actually know their coach also. And Sadie's soccer team will be traveling a lot this fall, so it's probably best that I'm not helping out. They had a summer swim party to pick up the gear & kick off fall so she had fun meeting everyone:

We checked off an item on our bucket list when Sophie got invited to a birthday party at the FAC water park. We go there every summer & this year she was finally brave enough to try the big slide, which is huge for her:

She went to hip hop camp one week & they made the most adorable video:

They even made their shirts & hats!

Sadie & I were out one evening so she had a gluten date with Bryan at Whataburger:

They love it when we are gone so they can eat whatever they want. Ha! She loved it even more because she got another Dr. Pepper shake:

She has been my little helper this week. The girls have decided to finally clean their play room & get rid of quite a bit, including their toy kitchen & all of the accessories that go with it. It took us several hours to clean & organize it but she had fun playing one last time while we did it:

I feel like this post has been all about Sophie, but Sadie's been around too! She has actually been really busy with soccer. We basically have to come back the end of July because soccer officially started. She had 6 weeks of summer training on their own, but they started their summer conditioning & fitness training last week. Every morning from 8:00 - 9:30. It is hot & exhausting! This week, they have practice for 1 1/2 hours every night also. And it is HOT out there! Like over 100! So we've had fun inviting different girls over in between so they can cool off in the pool:

We've helped cool off with lots of popsicles, sno cones & ice cream:

Sadie went through soccer try outs all of May & June and she officially made the same team, so this will be her 5th season playing for Coach T & the Renegades. They lost a few players & gained some new ones but they officially have 16 on their roster & will only play 11 v 11 now. The biggest change is their league - she made their GA team which is officially a travel team so she will have a busy year, especially this fall! They got a new uniform kit:

They celebrated by having a signing party at Board & Brush, where they made a soccer craft for their room:

These girls have a tournament every single weekend in August, so we are about to get busy but I am excited to see how they do!

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