Friday, July 21, 2023

Turks & Caicos, Part 3

For those still hanging on, this will be my last vacay post, I promise! Our last couple of days of vacation were pretty chill & we didn't really leave the resort much. It was mostly the same thing. Wake up. Exercise. Brunch. Beach. Drink. Pool. Shower. Dinner. Repeat! 

Sophie took this picture of us because we read. A lot! Well Sadie & I did. Bryan says he is going to read & then ends up his phone most of the day. 

We were a little disappointed on our last day because it got cloudy & looked like it was going to rain for an hour or so but thankfully it never did. But we took advantage of the weather to get the girls hair done because they really wanted braids & beads before we came home:

One night when we were at dinner at a different resort, Sophie spotted frozen pink lemonade at the beach bar & talked about it all week so he took her over there to get it:

Clearly she was in lemonade heaven!

She also wanted to parasail since Sadie went diving & for some reason she wanted to wait until the very last day to do it so she & I went that afternoon:

Bryan & Sadie stayed back at the hotel, so we went by ourselves. It's so funny because Sophie is very timid & cautious - she does not like roller coasters or most water slides, but for some reason she loves ferris wheels & parasailing! I guess she doesn't mind the height, she just doesn't like the thrill. Unfortunately, the worker on the boat helping us didn't take the best pictures but I did get a 3-minute video of us floating in the sky:

The water is so clear that we could see so much! We had a great time & I will gladly go parasailing with her anytime she asks. 

Our final 2 nights we enjoyed the sunset while we could. After sailing all day, we dressed up & went to the Shore Club for dinner at Sui Ren. This was probably my favorite atmosphere & ambience for the week - we sat in an outdoor garden with luscious landscaping, water features, twinkle lights - I just loved it:

On our way home, we planned to stop for ice cream (again, no gf dessert) but Sophie was exhausted from being out on the water all day, so Bryan dropped Sadie & I off and we walked home afterwards. I love having dates with each of the girls individually:

Fun fact, several years ago we started bringing the game Farkel on vacations with us. We hardly ever play at home, but we make it a tradition to play every single night on vacation while at dinner. Our girls have never brought their iPads to dinner, even when they were little, we tried to teach them to sit there & visit with us like most people do. But we realize sometimes we take them to nice restaurants & it takes longer to get your food, especially when you have 3 or 4 courses like we like to do sometimes! So we started bringing this simple game that we could play & pass along the table. It's a family favorite!

We had reservations for our last night, but we ended up cancelling them because we were enjoying our time outside so much! Actually, we randomly ran into someone we knew & spent an hour talking to them & then we would have been late to dinner anyway. Long story, but this guy asked if I was Shaye Maddux (my maiden name) & as soon as he said it, I recognized him - we went to high school together! He was 2 years younger, which is my sister's age & she actually went to prom with him & she cheered with my sister. Small world! So we basically closed down the pool & went for our final walk on the beach at sunset:

We didn't fly out until Friday afternoon, but we had to leave the resort at lunchtime, so it wasn't worth getting wet again. We slept in, had brunch & then packed. While we were at breakfast, the girls told them it was Bryan's birthday (even though it wasn't quite yet) so they celebrated him before we left:

This is my favorite souvenir - seashells! I am telling you, I haven't found shells like this in years! The girls have little seashell bags from when they were younger & I walked around filling it up all week:

Before we headed to the airport, we went to our favorite bar & ordered 1 more round of drinks before we had to leave. Cheers!

 And that was it! We spent a few hours at the airport in Turks, made a connecting flight in Fort Lauderdale & were home late Friday night:

I will easily say that this was my favorite week & a half this summer! First of all, Provo is MY place, I absolutely love it! Bryan may love Grand Cayman, but my heart is in Provo:

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