Friday, June 2, 2023

Sadie's Baptism at Sky Ranch

For the last several months, Bryan & I have been studying with Sadie because she has been wanting to get baptized & every time we talk, her story always goes back to Sky Ranch. She started going to their day camp when she was 4 years old & she has gone to their overnight camp for the past 5 years. Every summer she comes home more emotionally & spiritually mature! In fact, she probably mentioned getting baptized when she came home 2 years ago but we thought she was a little young still & we wanted to make sure we was old enough to understand the decision she was making. With all this in mind, I reached out to Sky Ranch to ask if she could be baptized in the lake at camp & they quickly said yes! They were so excited for her & wanted to celebrate with her! Their only caveat was we had to do it before summer camp started so on Monday morning, their first weekday of summer, we made the drive:

 Actually, Bryan & I took 2 cars because she invited several of her friends so we brought all of the girls with us:

Of course we invited all of our family as well. We are so thankful Mimi, Doc, Grammy, Grandpa, Nanny & Granny were able to meet us also:

We got to drive everyone around camp, walk around, meet some of the staff & then we headed to the lake for the big event:

They had benches set up around a camp fire pit so we sat there & we all went around telling stories about Sadie & giving her words of encouragement. There may have been some tears shed! Then we walked over to the water so Bryan could baptize her:

I didn't get the best pictures because I was recording it! We are so proud of Sadie & I know Bryan was honored that she wanted him to do it. And we were even more grateful that so many of our family & friends were able to drive over & spend the day with us:

She is definitely a blessed girl!

After we left camp, we drove to Lindale, which is about 15 minutes away & I had reserved a room at a restaurant for us to celebrate:

The food was delicious & our server was amazing! She did a fantastic job accommodating our gluten allergy. Sadie was even spoiled & got a few gifts to commerate her special day - a new teen bible from us, a heart & cross charm from Sophie, a cross ring, cross earrings, a new bookmark & bible highlighters:

In case you didn't know, Lindale is where Miranda Lambert is from so the restaurant had a lot of her memorabilia & next door was the cutest little boutique & photo op so we couldn't leave without a little photo shoot with these girls:

Last but not least, we had one final pit stop on our journey - Bucee's!

We stopped for icee's & candy on the way home! So thankful for these girls in her life also who can join her in her journey!

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