Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony - Brownie to Junior

Another exciting end of school party for Sophie was her bridging ceremony from brownies to junior:

Her sweet little troop has been together for 4 years already! Kimberlee did such a great job with the rainbow, but unfortunately the wind would not cooperate...... The girls did their opening ceremony like they always do & then she called them up one by one so they could receive their brownie certificate & their new junior gear. Last time they used the actual bridge to walk across, but apparently this year it was bring refurbished:

This year her troop decided to all do their own thing. Some got vests, some got sashes & a few only got the pin. Sophie only wanted the pin. She has 3 vests from GA's, daisies & brownies & she never likes wearing any of them. She absolutely loves wearing her troop shirt & being with her friends, but she decided to skip the vest this time. Honestly, didn't bother me one bit! Saves me money & time from putting all of those patches on!

We are so excited all of these girls except for 1 are moving on!

After the ceremony, they had pizza & snow cones to celebrate the end of the year:

Cheers to summer! After they ate, they all jumped in the pool & of course she had a float for each of them:

I'm not sure how long this troop will stay together, but I imagine they will last through elementary school, so 2 more years to go. So thankful for Troop 4815!

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