Monday, June 26, 2023

Life Lately - June

We have been traveling for the past week so I have a lot to catch us up on! Before I get to all of those posts, let's take a look at June before we move on. Our family from Colorado came to visit so the girls got to spend the weekend with their cousins. They spent a lot of time just playing together at the house:

They went bowling with their Grammy:

They also attended VBS with them:

We had friends over to swim again:

I love the little flip book of all of them jumping in with Fleur!

Sophie played volleyball for the first half of summer. They had 2 games every Friday night & then ended the season with a tournament. They played really well in the tourney & ended up making it to the championship game:

Unfortunately, they lost but they still got 2nd place, which earned them a medal:

Sophie was so excited & she played fantastic! Her serves were on point:

Sadie also had fun because one of her friends on her soccer team was playing so she saw her several times & had fun watching her play:

Finally, we celebrated Father's Day with Bryan. The girls went to a father/daughter tea at our church but they only came home with physical pictures & not any digitally. Sunday morning, we went to early service & then brunch before we all parted ways:

I will be back all week to talk about our next adventures!

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