Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Sky Ranch, Into the Canopy

It's become our annual tradition that the girls go to session 4 of Sky Ranch, which always starts on Father's Day, so after we spent the morning with the girls, it was time to head to camp! 

Usually Bryan & I drop them off & then head to the airport, but this year we couldn't make our flight if we took them, so his mom took them for us. She came over so they could decorate her car:

She even stuck to tradition & took them to Bucee's on the way:

When they got there, she even took pictures in front of their cabins for us. This year Sophie was in cabin 8, Star Creek in Sky 2 and this was her 3rd year:

She was so excited because Sadie was in Star Creek before & she had several friends with her this year. We had 4 girls that were connected but there were also another 4 girls from Frisco that we knew who were also in their cabin:

Sadie was in cabin 22, Parks Hall in Sky 3, which was her 5th year:

She didn't officially go with anyone, but she knew several girls from past years. 

The highlight of my week is getting to see all of the pictures of the girls throughout the week. They do so much & I love seeing the smiles on their faces because I can tell they are having so much fun! During the day, they do so much so instead of explaining it, I'll just let you see it:

I think we saw more action shots of Sadie this year because Sophie is camera shy, however at night, we found pictures of her with her friends when they had their matching theme outfits on:

Those pictures are from opening night - not sure what Sophie had going on with her painting/makeup on her face?!

Bryan & I flew home late Friday night so we could pick them up on Saturday morning. That's the fun part getting to go to the closing ceremony & getting to meet all of their friends & counselors:

We have already signed them up for next year! Sadie officially moves over from Sky to Morph, which becomes more of a leadership camp & in depth bible study, so she is pretty excited. As always, this continues to be the best week of their lives!

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