Thursday, June 15, 2023

VBS 2023: Twists & Turns

Last week when we came home from spending the day at the lake in Bowie with my sister's family, we took Zoe home with us. These 3 girls have made it a tradition to spend a week together & it is so much fun! On Sunday, I had to stay at the church all day to get ready for VBS so after lunch, Bryan surprised the girls & took them to Six Flags:

It was the perfect treat since I wasn't home & a fun surprise for Zoe! We are definitely taking advantage of our season passes!

The next morning we were up early to head to VBS! This year's theme was:

Of course I had to get a picture of all 4 of us when we got there:

I directed 3rd grade this year with Sophie's group. Technically Zoe is a year older but she stayed in our group too:

This is her 2nd year with this age so I think she has gotten to know some of the girls. Sadie moved over to the middle school group this year, called VBX (X meaning extreme!):

Apparently they had a BLAST! There are no adult volunteers over there, just high school helpers so she loved it! They played capture the flag, dodgeball and even had a water slide one day with water balloons:

Our kids had fun in the elementary group also with crafts & recreation also:

We had water days also:

And our usual theme days, crazy sock day, crazy hat day & crazy hair day:

We had the best 3rd grade team this year & I always have fun directing with Jamie. Next year might be our last year with Sophie's age group because then they will officially move on to middle school also:

The week was extra fun having Zoe with us also. The girls played, swam & we made a lot of special treats we don't normally do - make your own pizza night, home made slushies, home made ice cream & so much more:

Thank you for coming to spend the week with us Zoe - we always have the best time! 

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