Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Spring Sports 2023

It's been a busy spring, but things are quickly coming to an end. Actually, I feel like the spring is different than the fall, even though we are just as busy, because technically spring sports start in February & there are always cancellations due to weather. Mostly cold, wet weather. So sometimes are weekends end up not being as chaotic, but then here we are at the end of spring trying to shove all of our rescheduled games in.

We'll start with Sadie because I have less pictures of her. Her soccer never ends, but it has ramped up. They technically have 2 more league games & then they will break until their fall league begins. But they started open practices to try out for next year's team May 1. It is several practices, several times a week so it's a lot. No pressure! Ha!

She continued basketball with the Black Hornets and somehow I went the entire season without a picture? 

She also played volleyball on a team with friends at school. They might not have been very good, but it was fun watching her play with her friends:

Her team was called The Force & they are staying together this summer, but she asked to take a break, which I don't blame her. Her little body has been pushed to it's limit this spring so I don't mind her being a kid & slowing down. She will continue soccer training all summer with her current team, but she will not play summer basketball or volleyball. Just a camp here or there:

Sophie played volleyball also with the same team she played with last year. Our friend from church coaches them & her team name was the Ladybugs:

She had fun playing with her friends & we had friends on other teams that we see up there also:

She started off the season serving underhanded & by the end of the season, she had finally figured out her overhand serve & we were so proud! I got several videos of it, but I guess not any pictures:

Her team is staying together & playing summer 1, so she will continue volleyball through June. 

Of course she also played soccer with the Twinkle Toes & her dad coaching. We had their last team practice Friday night & we ended with a player/parent scrimmage & it was a lot of fun seeing all of the families out there together:

They had their last game on Saturday & our 2 favorite goalies got to be the team captains:

Sophie loves playing soccer with her friends, but she has no desire to play it any more competitively like her sister does. But clearly she has learned a thing or two from her sister because her throws in have gotten really good & that's one of Sadie's main goals on her team:

We celebrated with treats after the game but we have a team party planned next week. We are taking these girls to a FC Dallas game!

Now that soccer has ended, Sophie only has volleyball on the schedule for the first half of summer so after talking to her, she has decided that basketball is her favorite sport! This secretly made my mama heart happy to hear so we have been trying different teams the past few weeks. We'll keep you posted if & when we find a more competitive team for her to join this summer!

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