Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Field Day 2023

Sadie already had her field day for 5th grade but the rest of the school had their field day last week. They break it up for the younger grades & then 5th grade actually gets to lead field day for 3rd & 4th grade. Sadie got to run the obstacle course with her friend Sofia:

It had been cold, windy & cloudy all week so thankfully the weather cooperated! It was still a little cool, but no rain & we had sunshine! I met up with Sophie's class & spent the morning hanging out with them:

Of course we were excited when they got to Sadie's station:

Around lunchtime, we took a group photo then the kids headed inside for lunch:

After lunch, the entire school came back out for the annual tug of war contest:

All of the grades sit together by class & watch 3rd grade & 4th grade compete. It really is so fun cheering for each of the classes! Poor Sophie's class has a lot of small kids & they didn't do very well:

But I'm pretty sure they still had fun cheering for their friends! It ended up being a fun day & I am so glad the weather held off so the kids could enjoy a day outside after all of their STAAR testing:

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